The beautiful Market week at High Point is over - the lights were turned off in the showroom, and the inspired visitors went home.
It’s time to gather stones. Time for brands to start working with the information left by showroom visitors and turn them into buyers! A lot of work goes into making sure that you don’t miss anyone and make everyone happy and informed about the new collection, the shows you’ve put on, inventory supplies and available dates!
How can we automate all the work that needs to be done right after Market and turn all the visitors who came to our showroom into buyers?
And if your showroom was visited by one hundred / five hundred / a thousand people, how can you please everyone and how can you keep everybody interested and connected?
Of course, an automated sales funnel will help. Wondering how to stop missing out on potential buyers who visit your showroom during Market Weeks?
And turn them into fans of your brand? Is it possible to inspire and motivate everyone who came to your High Point showroom in June to buy again and again?
How to Quickly and Very Effectively Convert Your Market Visitors into Customers Right After High Point Market Week.
Automation is Key
I am happy to help you with processing all contact information quickly and switching to personalized and warm communication with each client individually! We will build a fan club from new buyers of your brand with high quality and for a long time!
The main thing is to collect all emails from your database and scanned contact information immediately after the Market week, upload them to a mailing platform (Mailchimp or others), tag them as 2021 visitors and start communicating!
Your first communication could be just greetings and thanks for visiting the showroom, an offer to subscribe to all your social media accounts. You can ask them to post photos from your showroom on their social media accounts and tag you.
Imagine how much content with your company’s name and tags will be posted on social media and the Internet in general! You can offer an incentive – some discount or a coupon – to everyone who posts photos of your showroom on social media and tags you. This will be a very cool organic promotion!
The next step is a PDF walk-through of your showroom with photos and SKUs on each product in those photos. Make these SKUs clickable with links to your site so that you can go directly from the PDF file to the same product on your site and put it in the cart.
Give this opportunity even to those who have not yet registered in your customer base, a website without customer prices will also remind them of the product.
Because at this time, visitors are coming back from the Market Week, and they are still hypnotized by what they saw – they are the hottest buyers! Remind them of what they wanted to buy so passionately from you in the showroom.
Even if you have a virtual 3D showroom, the PDF version is always handy. Some designers might choose to send those to clients or use them in a different way, downloaded and viewed on the phone. Retailers can use the PDF to train their store employees, teaching them about new products and your brand. You may also mark the best sellers and new introductions in this document.
The following emails will create a great opportunity to tell about your brand and its history, trends in creating new collections, as well as quality and the uniqueness of your products. Talk about the personal brand of the company’s founders and famous dealers and designers you have worked with. This will help develop your company’s expertness and authority.
Then promote your new collection, if you presented it during market, show how it can be combined with existing items, and give exact dates for the warehouse deliveries.
Having warmed up the visitors, grabbing their attention, you can go ahead and organize your webinar after the exhibition for new clients and for those who are already buying your brand. This will be an important step in the process of growing closer and becoming friends, and you will convert visitors into your fans and loyal customers!
The same communication scheme after the exhibition can be used with those who did not come to your showroom during market, but are on your mailing list of visitors from previous years. Here you talk in more detail about the product and company news during the exhibition and send a large review of photos from the showroom. Share company news in more detail, because this audience has known you for years.
The most important thing in building a warm-up and sales funnel for visitors after the exhibition is to start communication and do it very systematically and consistently.
Consistency is the main thing! if you asked me what is the most important component, besides list building and webinars, I would say – creating content with consistency, on a weekly basis. It’s a must.
The reason why I think it is so important is because you have to give good content in order to attract your tribe and have a thriving online business. This is how they are going to find you initially. By consistency in putting out content I mean sending a weekly email or writing a blog post, recording a weekly podcast, posting a weekly video on social media, etc. Whatever it is, your content needs to get out there and it needs to get out there consistently.
Download my guide "How to Convert Your Market Visitors into Customers Right After High Point Market Week"