My sales mentor says that facts speak, but stories sell.
I had been doing furniture markets and sales reps training for 10 years, so I regularly had to speak to a large audience.
I know a lot about this now, but I remember my first time... The day when I had to go and talk to a large group of people, be in the spotlight, stand at the front of a room full of people…
At that moment, my heart jumped out of my chest, my thoughts were confused, my lips trembled, all my strength went into convincing myself not to leave immediately. But a simple exercise helped be then and continues to save me in these situations. Stop! Cut!
Right now, some of you reading this post have really started to pay attention, anticipating some magic recipe for confident public speaking from Eleonora. Why? Because I told a story. In marketing, this tool is called storytelling, and it's one of the most powerful text formats.
With a storytelling skill, you can package a story in anything: newsletter, Instagram post, a series of stories, and even a landing page - and then get high conversions, sales and loyal fans of the brand.
Many people know about the method, but not all stories are effective.
There are 4 mistakes that kill storytelling:
- You are talking about yourself
While you need to talk about the reader.
When they listen to a story, they want to hear about themselves, to recognize themselves. You need to know the pains, desires, fears of your target audience, and appeal to them.
- You are pretending to be a superhero
While the story should clearly say, "I am the same as you." There is a reason why we are drawn to stories that say "but it wasn’t always like this”. Talk about your journey. Show that you understand the audience and their problems. They will be willing to pay for the recipe of how you transitioned from point A to point B.
We live in an era of information, every fact can be googled and checked in five minutes. One little lie – and trust is destroyed forever.
The story is emotionally flat
An an interesting story is like an EKG, where there are ups and downs, disappointment and hope.
Like the story I used in the beginning – terrible public speaking anxiety and a happy ending thanks to a simple life-hack.
Facts tell.
But it is the stories that sell.
That is why storytelling is an important skill in marketing and copywriting.
My team and I will be happy to help write stories of your brand, company, products. We will help you arrange your daily communications with subscribers through letters and social media posts, increasing the fan base of your brand!
Welcome to my consultation, where we will determine what marketing tools to apply for your business.